Monday, January 29, 2007


There is a spine chilling silence in my room

That with its silent fingers claws into me
The room is a picture of cheerfulness
But echos a feeling of loneliness

Factually I have knowledge that I am not alone

Yet, my heart refuses to heed my brain

The misplaced feeling that I am all alone

Makes me want to give up my hopes

Without me wanting to, my thoughts rewind back to

When even the mere thought of misery was far fetched

When mistakes were forgiven and sorrows were endured

Smiles were remembered and love was returned

As a kid, those happy and carefree years

Jumping,playing, talking and hopping around

Safe in my mothers arms, playing with my father

Relishing the warmth of all the love showered

As a youth, those green and salad days

Dreaming, wanting to take life head on
Wanting to go places, wanting to be dynamic

Wanting to make a mark for myself in this world

As a bride, symbol of shyness
Enjoying all the festivities around

Knowing I am the crowned princess of the moment
Waiting eagerly for life to proceed beautifully

As a mother, the most enchanting phase of my life

Wanting to be with my children always
Feeling a feeling of ecstasy never experienced afore

Happy in their happiness, sharing their sorrows

Now, here I am,labeled aptly, a senior citizen

In this place, ironically a prison with luxuries

How my heart weeps when I think of my kids

And now, the wanting is only to be wanted...