Saturday, June 9, 2007

Alone in Magic

A river silent in all that moonlight
On a starry silvery though silent night
Made me, a wanderer, stop
And take in all that I could in a breath

Alone, among all that magic
I hoped nothing will come my way
For I had to stay up there
Till I could, if ever, have enough of that sight

Tragic stories it told me...
As wave after wave lashed the bank, silent
I wondered what kind of fury was contained within....
And stood, not just an observer, but a companion to its struggle

Wondering... the froth around on the pebbles
Formed distinctive patterns
That spoke eternal old stories...
I dared not call them ancient

I took it all in, the tales of yore...
More like, stories I could never speak out again
Somehow, without words filling the night space
The skies above and the earth below seemed strange

A stranger I was, not to them now
But to time... the time in the present
Before it all compressed into a moment
And I stood up, no more needed there

Maybe it was that special moment in eternity
A moment where nature voices its grief
And a moment where we become one with all
And all within the Everything

And away gurgled the river
To its destination, miles beyond
And I walked, strange steps, led by a stranger mind...
With a heart that knew.... and a mind that cared


AparnA said...

that river thingy along with
And stood, not just an observer, but a companion to its struggle
is a real good change in the course of the poem..


have been traveling for a year now,
traversed many a mile,
faced many dangers and blocks,
reaching for my goal i move on.

this endless search has made me weak,
not in body but in soul,
will i ever attain it,no one knows,
sluggishly i move on.

distracted by a shape on the bank,
i swim back to see what it is,
moon light silver reflects 2 people,
staring at the river.

i can see different reflections on their faces,
of the days spent by,
of the difficulties faced,
and of the history made.

but suddenly they wake up,
thier smiles reflected by the silver moon,
i wonder of this change of attitude,
and i see they have changed.

they have changed,
to accept the future as it is,
to face the future as it comes,
with peace and intelligence.

and i turn around,
encouraged by their wisdom i start anew,
with a rejuvenated effort,
i move on!!!