Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A song in my heart, A tear in my eye

The blue skies yawned a lazy blue above me
Far away, in the distance, green speckled
the horizon paling down from gorgeous yellows
Dawn, that morning broke through clear

Twitters echoing, the morning melody
resonating call to everything to awaken
Slow moving birds filled the heights
Lazier, I trudged along, aimless in all this buzz

Petty reasons a-plenty
For this morning stroll of mine
Only I knew the deep desire
of mine, to walk through here this day, for a last time

Tomorrow will dawn new,
the same skies spreading wide
A distinct darker blue, no blue black
With smoke filling through, dark and deep

No green speckled valleys
Doubt if trees will ever grow green
And as for birds chirping
Maybe a few caws around

With me getting out of this place
Play of fate, into a concrete maze
Looking up to the sinister cities
To help me get ahead in life

Leaving behind this awe-inspiring place
Cutting off my deep rooted ties
Out through the lonely stretch of roads
Onto highways polluted and populated

Bittersweet, the irony called life
Leaving behind a dream
in search of newer ones
Leaping into mirages, leaving behind the clouds.


It was fluttering in the wind
mildly, set off by the rickety old fan
And in that small humid room
the sound of that sheaf of papers echoed

Of course, when the kid entered the room,
That hot and sultry afternoon

All that drew her attention

were that clump of papers stapled together

Placed at one end of the table,

they beckoned at her childish desire

To make neat little paper boats and,

sail them in her little play tub

Hesitant, she approached, ready to flee
If ever anyone entered and found her there

But then she remembered that there was no one home
Other than her aged grandparents

No better time than this, she decided
And deftly the little hands worked
First tearing up little squares

And then folding and refolding

And soon after some minutes of
intense and concentrated work

the boats were ready to set sail
Away in the cold waters of that little tub

Gleefully, she watched them sail away

As they bobbed among the ripples, and innocently
Her interest withered as she watched them dampen and sink

Boats made out of her parents separation papers.......

Saturday, March 24, 2007

The sound of life

Somehow, the sound of the wind has always held my fantasy
Echoing through, all around
Dieing down then, as abruptly as the start

Whispers spoken by the soft breeze
Across time and place
It has always spoken only words of calm
Serene,peaceful personified with the world slow-paced

A murmur, then echoed by the wind,
becoming a wee bit stronger
Edging on everything it comes across
Making the world move faster

When disguised as the tyrant storm
Masked by guileless anger
All around it, causing panic
Taking all the world around for a spin

But fascinating is
the peace before the storm,
A stillness before the upheaval
A beautiful phase, containing countless meanings
Mysteries entwined, time remaining caught

Monday, March 19, 2007

Miracles Materialise..... Visions hold true

As I try to remember
I realize time crosses swift
Of the many days spent in solitude
I can clearly remember just one

The day when magic happened
A moment that took form here
A dream, a wish, a want

Even now the surprise remains

Instant recognition

Forever I seemed to have known

Yet, it had to take that day
To happen throwing light on destiny

As I wandered around,

Unbelieving everything else

Time passed till now

Yet, each moment remains standstill

As each moment races past me.....

Friday, March 9, 2007

Speaking in Silence

The most intense emotions

are never spoken out loud
words in any language
become deficit when used

How can you describe
the love of a parent
the pain of a mute
the anger of a maimed

The crowd within a loner
the loner within a socialist
the revolution within a saint
or the hope within a pessimist?

Mere words..... spoken in any tongue
Submerge the increasing need within
to speak out feelings
And overrule human emotions

Rationale thoughts,
like a neat sloped flow
can be harnessed and expressed
unlike the hearts cries

Cries of anguish
cries of hope
cries of surprise
And cries of the soul

Silence, when called for
will express all this and more
for to any silent question
the answer can only be silence.