Tuesday, March 27, 2007


It was fluttering in the wind
mildly, set off by the rickety old fan
And in that small humid room
the sound of that sheaf of papers echoed

Of course, when the kid entered the room,
That hot and sultry afternoon

All that drew her attention

were that clump of papers stapled together

Placed at one end of the table,

they beckoned at her childish desire

To make neat little paper boats and,

sail them in her little play tub

Hesitant, she approached, ready to flee
If ever anyone entered and found her there

But then she remembered that there was no one home
Other than her aged grandparents

No better time than this, she decided
And deftly the little hands worked
First tearing up little squares

And then folding and refolding

And soon after some minutes of
intense and concentrated work

the boats were ready to set sail
Away in the cold waters of that little tub

Gleefully, she watched them sail away

As they bobbed among the ripples, and innocently
Her interest withered as she watched them dampen and sink

Boats made out of her parents separation papers.......

1 comment:


literally in tears..... will comment later