Thursday, August 30, 2007

Knocking at a lonely heart

Mangoes, stolen from the grove
Perfect round ones
To cater to your easy whim
I tried to do yet more

Sticks and stones I gathered
So you could have a nice game
And passed them on to you
You found no time to thank

Few days into the future
Saw me tagging along
You too busy to care enough
I was but yet another friend

Along those days, and into their fray,
Caught in some circle and lost,
I realized I cared a bit more,
Each time you were around

Tell you... Tell you not
Move out... Stay still
I played games with myself
And every time I lost, I smiled.

There was you,
And there was me...
Open fields and void skies
Stars a-few, and birds that soared

A million songs in my heart
Special ones when you smiled
Sad ones when we fought
And silence when you weren't there.

Flashes struck, needled with pain
Slowly it all faded,
Your smiles, your face, and you...
Memories cast away, mind benumbed.

Creases across my heart,
Crossed you away from the soul
Yet, someday if I see you, still,
We could play the stick and stone games.

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