Friday, December 29, 2006

Anything can be justified.....A traitor's story

He stood staring up
As the morning mist thickened
And the sun slowly slid
Behind engulfing clouds

A month's work, to be paid off
Today was the day
And from now till then
A few lengthy hours to pass

His hut, called home
Formed a poor shadow behind him
But emphasizing as it did
His poverty, his state of life

Too many to be fed
Too less available
And as the world kept growing
He seemed to fall deeper still

The creek resounded with twitters
The morning call of life
Hundreds of birds flew up
Oh! What couldn't he give to be them

And before his mind could wander further
A call, to him, loud and clear
He knew they had come, as usual
Yet, after all these years, his fears remained and returned

Silently, without a word between them
The goods exchanged owners
Money, to him, meager
His skills, taken shape, safe with them

As he watched them walk away
Stealthily to heaven knew where
He looked at the bag in his hands
His pay for the arms and for his silence

He was a traitor, to his nation
And he helped in its destruction
Making weapons to help others prove points
All that he ever knew in life, his livelihood

That night, as he sat to eat
Beside his youngest son, he saw
The light of innocent hunger in those little eyes
And in his own, a single tear formed and that spoke it all...........

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